THE PLANET SYSTEM AND EARTH Ira "We must protect our habitat. We need conservation, and that's a fact. Deforestation means losing our trees, water pollution's destroying our seas", 2. READING: EARTH IS IN DANGERED - 1. Answer: Why Is Earth in danger? Climate change is devastating our seas and frozen regions as never before, a major new United Nations report warns. According to a UN panel of scientists, waters are rising, the ice is melting, and species are moving habitat due to human activities. And the loss of permanently frozen lands threatens to unleash even more carbon, hastening the decline, There is some guarded hope that the worst Impacts can be avoided, with deep and immediate cuts to carbon emissions. This is the third in a series of special reports that have been produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) over the past 12 months. So, what have they found and how bad is it? In a nutshell, the waters are getting warmer, the world's ice is melting rapidly, and these have implications for almost every living thing on the planet. "The blue planet is in serious danger right now, "The blue planet is in serious danger right now, suffering many Insults from many different directions and it's our fault," said Dr Jean-Pierre Gattuso, a coordinating lead author of the report. The scientists are "virtually certain" that the global occan has now warmed without pause since 1970. The waters have soaked up more than 90% of the extra heat generated by humans over the past decades, and the rate at which it has taken. up this hent has doubled since 1993. The seas were once rising malaly due to thermal expansion - which refers to the way the volume of water expands when it is heated. The extra energy makes the water molecules move around more, causing them to take up more space. But the IPCC says rising water levels are now being driven principally by the melting of Greenland and Antarctica. Thanks to warming, the loss of mass (which refers to the amount of ice that melts and is lost as liquid water) from the Antarctic Ice sheet in the years between 2007 and 2016 tripled compared to the 10 years previously, Greenland saw a doubling of mass loss over the same period. The report expects this to continue throughout the 21st Century and beyond. For glaciers in areas like the tropical Andes, Central Europe and North Asla, the projections are that they will lose 80% of their ice by 2100 under a high carbon emissions scenario. This will have big consequences for millions of people.​

THE PLANET SYSTEM AND EARTH Ira We must protect our habitat We need conservation and thats a fact Deforestation means losing our trees water pollutions destroyi class=