Exercise:Identify the correct use for the 2nd conditional in the following sentences.

1. If I ______(buy) John, I (travel) to the beach

2. If she ______ (sleep) more, her health ______(improve) a lot.

3. If you ____ (drink) water, it ____ (be) good for you health

4. If she ______ (want) to talk to me, I ______ (be) a happy person.

5.if she____ (have) a million dollars, I _____ (invest) the money.

6. We _____ (have) a panic if the day _____ (be) fine.

7. I ______ (understand) Mr. Brown if he _____ (speak) slowly.

8. I ______ (be) sad if you _____ (leave) the country.

9. I ______ (finish) the job tomorrow if I (have) some time.

10. If I _____ (not have) a headache, I _______ (go) to the party.

11. You _____ (make) a fortune if you ______(take) my advice.

12. I _______ (not need) an umbrella if it ______ (not rain) a lot​