EXAM Name: I Dar la forma correcta del tiempo presente del verbo entre paréntesis: 1. The dog 2. Mr. Smith (chase) the cat all around the house. (work) for Eastern Airlines. 3. We always (play) tennis on Saturday. 4. We (watch) television almost every night. (study) in the same class as I. 5. He II Completar las siguientes oraciones con el adjetivo posesivo al cual se refiere el sujeto de la oración 1. I write the new word in notebook. own dish for food and water. 2. Each cat has 3. You and Henry spend a lot of time on 4. You always get good grades on 5. Gail likes to make crossword puzzles. examinations. own desserts and cakes. III Completar las siguientes oraciones con There is o There are: 1. only one door. 2. a lot of desks in our office. 3. 4. 5. nobody in the room now. two large windows in the room. four dogs on the street.​