Recuperacion de ingles primer period 7° Reviewing Verb to Be in Present and Past Name Fecha de entrega: Lunes abril 1 de 2024 1. Complete con: am-is-are-was- were y traduzca, 0.1 in town last Friday was in town last Friday Estuve en el pueblo el viernes pasado 1. We working on the farm yesterday 2. The boys in English class right now 3. The child copying the task today 4. The boys sleeping in class now 5.1 doing my task last Friday 6. There a table in the corner 7. The dog 8. John and Karen sleeping at home last night sweeping yesterday 9.1 in English class today 10. The guys listening to music last night 11. There class in school yesterday 12. The cow drinking water in the river now 13. There some geese in the lake 14. There class next week 15. We 16. The children doing the exercise in class speaking English in class 17. There ________ some guys in the park 18. Yolanda ha

ving lunch in the restaurant 19. Paola and I _ dancing last weekend 20.1 learning the verbs yesterday ​

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