8. Put the verbs in Brackets into the appropriate present tense HI, fellow travel bloggers! Today we 1) are talking (talk) about great holiday destinations, so share I something about your favourite onel Hi everyone! The place 2) (love) the most is the island of Crete. It's a big island and it 3)(grow) most of its own food, so everything is delicious! It 4) the 1960s, but there are still peaceful places. Let me tell you a little (be) a tourist destination Since secret - I'm here in Crete right now. 15) (stay) on the south coast and the sun 6) (shine) every day so far. Right now, 7) (lie) on the sandy beach next to a crystal clear sea, reading my book. 8)(not/feel) so calm in months!
answer ​

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