Hi Sandra! Hope you’re well! I’m sorry I 1) haven’t written (not/write) to you for a while, but 2) ……………….. (not/have) much free time recently. Last month, Anna and I 3) ……………….. (leave) the UK to go travelling. So far, the trip 4) ………… (be) very interesting. We 5) ……………… (get) to Thailand on a Friday night and the very next day a storm 6) ………………. (hit) the coast not far from out hotel. Now we 7) …………….. (arrive) in a small village, We 8) ……………. (not/explore) the whole village much yet. Last night we 9) …………… (watch) the sunset on the beach. But today, Anna feels sick and thinks she 10) ……………(eat) something bad. What about you? 11) ……………… (you/decide) what to do this summer? Write back son, Maria
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