Holi necesito que me ayuden a poner en esta conversación donde están los espacios en blanco las siguientes palabras
Doy 5 estrellas y corona


Hey Ben, I need a job during summer vacation. Do you have any _____I could call? What about the place you work?
B: Um, well. Jim, my _______, doesn't want any more student workers, so that's out. I know someone who works for a new tech _____ downtown. I think they have a few summer jobs for students.
A: That sounds good! I _____working with computers. Do I need any special______?
B: No. I think you just deliver computers to people's offices and help set them up. And maybe give them _____about using them. It should be easy for you. If you work hard, you can't ____!
A: That sounds great!
B: All right, Here's her number. You do need your ________car.
A: That's no problem. My car is working well.

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