LO TIENES QUE COMPLETAR The boy 1 that sees the other boys painting graffiti decides to do something about it. On the
way he sees a girl 2mse paint pot is empty, so he gives her some of the paint 3ich he is
Then we see a man 4 Who moves a suitcase 5that is in the way of a blind woman. A man
5 Who sees this then helps up a football player 6 Which plays for the other team. A woman
7 that is watching this then helps a man 8 Which papers blow away. A man 9 that sees her
do this then lets a woman in front of him at the supermarket 10 where he is doing his shopping.
At the beach, a man 11 that works at the supermarket catches a rubber ring 12 blich has blown
away. A woman 13 that is riding a bike notices his kindness. Next we see the woman at home,
14 Where she is raking leaves. She helps a neighbour 15 Whose lawn is covered with leaves.
Another neighbour sees this and, when he goes to work, he cleans up something 16 that has spilt
on the floor.
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