1. My sister often _________ (read) a book.

2. Frank _________ (like) dogs.

3. The cat _______________ (escape) from the garden last night.

4. We sometimes _________ (meet) in front of the cinema.

5. Uncle George regularly _________ (go) to the doctor's.

6. Our friends _________ (play) football in the park yesterday.

7. Two days ago they _______________ (agree) with me about the album.

8. He _________ (ride) his bike every day last summer.

9. We _________ (have) the best ideas.

10. Carol _________ (say) goodbye before she ___________ (leave).

11. She _________ (be) the best singer in our class.

12. Alfie _______________ (fail) his driving test again.

13. The children _________ (eat) hamburgers after the game last weekend.

14. Bill _________ (have) two notebooks.

15. I _________ (be) at home two weeks ago.

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