B. According to the definition, write the correct word. (Escriba la palabra de acuerdo a la definición) - WORD BANK offline download attachment upload go online back up - click - log in scan delete 16. to copy programs or information to a computer, usually over the internet. 17. to remove information from a piece of writing or from a computer. 18. to transfer electronic information from an individual computer to a large network or server. 19. to carry out a computer operation by pressing a button on the mouse or keyboard. 20. to use a machine to make a copy of a document or picture and put it into a computer. 21. a computer file that is sent together with an email message.. 22. to connect to a computer system by putting in a particular set of letters or numbers.. 23. connected to the internet. 24. to make an extra copy of computer information. 25. not connected to the internet or to a central computer system.​

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