Choices Made in Silence Today, I want to talk about something personal. It's about choices, and sometimes, silence. You see, in life, we face many decisions. Some are easy, and some are very hard. I've had to make tough choices, especially when it comes to people I care about. There were times when I had words ready to say, but I just couldn't speak them out loud. These words were right there, on the tip of my tongue. But I kept silent. Why? I thought it was the best thing to do. I wanted to protect the people I love. I thought, maybe if I don't say these words, I can keep them safe, or keep them happy. But keeping silent is not always easy. It's like holding a secret. It can be heavy. It can make you feel alone. Sometimes, I wonder if I did the right thing. Maybe talking and sharing is better, even if it's hard. In the end, I did what I did because I care. I care so much. But I also understand now that talking and sharing can be important. We need to find a balance between protecting our loved ones and being open with themloring
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