2. Solve the Crossword( Make other clues to complete all the crossword using nouns, verbs or adjectives in English) 12 145 21 22 26 32 24 28 30 31 20 16 ACROSS 3. My favorite soccer team. their games. (85%) in DOWN 1. I am fast worker but I'm a bit tired today. (70%) 2. I go to the park one time every month or once 5. The accountants are. their offices. (95%) 8. I to music on my ipad. 4. I (40%) 10. I to the library on Saturdays. (100%) 12. I go to the dentist two times a year or twice. 14. I brush my teeth after every meal or a day. in class. (90%) 17. Bob is cockroaches in our kitchen. When I do I spray immediately! (10%) 6. My teacher has a lot of work. She is (70%) pickles on my 7. I hamburger. (70%) 9. Juan and Gloria. hamburgers for dinner. (5%) eat 0.074 c/u Max 68 points​