Complete the sentences with love / don't like / doesn't like / hate / enjoy / don't mind + -ing form of the verbs in the box.
watch help work go play meet relax spend eat study
Do you --------------time with your family on the weekend? :)

I ----------------vegetables, but I like French fries more! :|

My sister---------------------- math and never does her homework. :( :(

Do you ----------------------- in the evening after work? :)

We----------------------------- our friends for coffee in the new café in town. :) :)

Jaime --------------------- to the dentist, so he doesn’t go very often. :( :(

His uncle makes cars. He------------------ in a factory. :(

They ------------------ their mom with the shopping and cooking. :|

I -------------movies at home, but I go to the movie theater every week. :(

Does your brother------------------------- online games? :) :)