Write your answers in the form of literary paragraphs (PEALS format). Show your Point, Show your Point, Evidence, Analysis and Link (related) to the Subject in the questions.
1.         How does Anjana Appachana depict the conflictive relationship among employees and managers, and between co-workers in "Sharmaji"?
2.         How vividly does Appachana use imagery in “Sharmaji”? Give examples and explain their effect.
3.         Describe 3 (three) characterisations (1 Main, 1 Secondary and 1 Minor) and analyse their attitude, personality and role (purpose).   
4.         Explain 3 (three) expressions / idioms used by the writer along the story (from exposition to resolution) and the writer’s effect for each.
5.         Theme:  Identify allusive word choices (writer’s effect) and events related to Culture and analyse how they place the reader in specific settings.