Duma of Kenya lives in a very different world today than he did when he was growing up in the 1950s. No one ever saw a television or a phone until the 1970s. Actually, Duma's home did not get electricity until the 1980s. Today, Duma's grandson Jata lives in a very different world. Jata travels about ten kilometers every afternoon to visit an internet café in a neighboring town. He plays games and chats with teens in different countries. Jata uses English to connect to the world. Duma's village has not grown much. The number of European tourists on safaris has fallen in recent years. Many villagers have lost their jobs. But the village is Interconnected with the world, more than ever before. Now, Duma's village is connected to other villages and towns by roads made by Chinese companies. While globalization has improved the village in some ways, in other ways things are not as good. Young people used to look up to older men, like Duma, and listen to their stories. Today, younger people are more interested in Hollywood movies and celebrities. The village language, Taznasit, is also dying. The younger people no longer speak it. B. Answer the questions about the text. 1. In which country does Duma live? 2. How is life in Duma's village today different from the 1950s? 3. How is life in Duma's village better than in the past? 4. Why are things not as good as in the past?​

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