Complete each sentence with the words in parentheses. Use the present perfect + for or since. Use contractions when possible. Ejem: He's been a Bollywood star for 20 years. (he / be / a Bollywood star)
1 …………………… I was a child. (I / hate / horror movies)
2………………………….. a while. (we / not / be / to a movie theater)
3 My brother……………………….. the last five years. (teach / film studies)
4………………………….2018, the year she graduated. (she / have / the same job)
5 The two of them………………………… decades. (make / films / together) 6……………………………………… it first came out. (I / want / to see / that movie)
7 I can't recommend any movies………………………….the night we saw Parasite. (I / not / see / anything really good)
8 My mom loves Tom Hanks……………………………….. at least 30 years. (he / be / her favorite actor)​