Table 1 Addition classmate, solve each operation in table 1 out loud. Color in table 2 the result of each operation using the color key. The first row has been solved as an example. Example: Student A: fifteen plus forty equals fifty-five Student B: twenty minus ten equals ten Student A: eighty divided by ten equals eight Student B : six times fourteen equals eighty-four Subtraction Division 15+40 20-10 80+10 16+34 100 - 99 90÷3 78 +15 89-54 45 ÷ 5 54 +25 73-10 26-2 13+52 45-17 75÷3 41+8 4-2 64-4 Color Key Operation Addition Subtraction Division Multiplication Color Multiplication 6x14 8x8 6 x 12 1 x 15 4x5 8x4 12+36 63-11 36÷9 15 x 6 25+6 28-13 100 20 23 x 3​

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