K. Change the following sentences into the active voice. 1. Our neighbour's car had been vandalized by thugs. thugs had Vandalized our neighbours car 2. Kamala was told the bad news as soon as she arrived. 3. A Shakespearean play will be staged by Plus One Productions in a month's time. 4. They were shown to the table by the restaurant manager himself. 5. She is thought of as the most popular actress nowadays. 6. The boy was asked to carry twenty kilograms of rice. 7. The painting was stolen. 8. Ravind was ordered out of the classroom for disrupting the class. 9. He was caught for littering in the streets and fined. 10. Many records have been broken by that athlete. 11. These books were given to my sister. 12. The room is swept and mopped by the children. 1​