READ THE TEXT AND WRITE THE CORRET ANSWER IN EACH BLANK. WRITE ONE WORD Carl's Shopping Assistant Last summer, Kenny had a lot 1) things. 2) exciting adventures. He was always on the go, exploring new places and experiencing new the summer started, Kenny was taking the train to various destinations. He loved the feeling of freedom and excitement as the train carried him to different cities and landscapes. At the moment, Kenny was traveling to the countryside. He 3) he was listening to his favorite music. enjoying the scenic views from the train window 4) During his travels, Kenny met a lot of interesting people. He made friends with fellow travelers and locals alike. They shared stories, and Kenny learned 5) different cultures and traditions. When he arrived in each new place, Kenny would immediately start exploring. He visited museums, parks, and historical sites, soaking in the rich history and culture of each location. Overall, Kenny's past summer was filled with joy and adventure. The memories he made during those months would stay with bj forever, reminding him of the incredible experiences he had 7) traveling by train and discovering the world