Name: SAN LUIS BELTRAN HIG ENGLISH WORKSHOP. TENTH AND ELEVENTH GRADERS. APRIL-2024 STUDENT'S NAME: Elephants Read the passage 3 me then armer the queira Elephants are the largest type of land animal They live in Africa and Asia and can be as heavy as a truck. Elephants have a long trunk which they use to gather food, drink water and bathe. To cool down, they flap their large ears. Elephants love to eat leaves, grass and bark. They are really big so they need to eat a lot of food They sometimes spend up to 16 hours a day searching for food. TEACHER: Genis Sibaja Guerrero Questions: 1. How heavy are elephants? 2. What do elephants use their long trunk for? 3. Where do elephants live? 4. What do they do with their cars to help them cool down? 5. Why do you think elephants spend so much time searching for food?​

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