1 Find five spare time activities. cfrgoing to summercamplpwgae reahanging out with friends vgtwq plmakingjewelryx crnd frdancing foprle aslistening to musicregura 2. Read the description and write the words. I Synonym for leisure time: 2 Young people of 13-19 years of age: 3 Reading that you do because you enjoy it: 4 Synonym for spending time with friends: 5 The activity of moving a boat with bars: 6 Rings and necklaces are: 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 1 (spend) time with my family is my favorite spare time activity. 2 The more / most popular activity in this class is playing basketball. 3 The as/least popular activity is making jewelry. 4 Cycling is less popular as / than swimming 5 Fewer / Few boys enjoy reading for pleasure 5 Complete the sentences with most, the least, fewer, or not as... as. 1 Playing an instrument is listening to music. popular popular activity is playing 2 The board games. 3 teenagers like to read nowadays. 4 popular activity in my class is hanging out with friends (82%). 6 Complete the conversation. A: Hi. What is the (1) spare time activity in your class? B: Playing (2) popular sports. Very few people seem to like playing in a team! A: That's surprising! And what is the popular activity? PREP In la Any 1 voc 1 bo 2 A D (3) B: (4). 2 (dance) is less popular than listening to music. 3 (roast) marshmallows around a camp fire is fun. 4 (learn) to play an instrument TV is popular. Eighty percent of us love doing that. But using social media is even (5) watching TV! popular than A: Wow! What about meeting friends? isn't as popular as taking language classes. 4 Circle the correct option. 1 Playing chess isn't as popular as / than surfing the Internet. B: It isn't (6) popular (7) listening to music! A: Interesting! Thanks!​

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