PASSIVE VOICE Simple Prevent and Simple Past- Wite the sentences in the Passive Voice We didn't take many photos at the museum. Does your dad buy the newspaper every Sunday? They produce a lot of olive oil in Spain. Cesar Pelli built "The Petronas Towers" in Kuala Lumpur. My mum drinks a cup of coffee everyday. Did you see the accident. yesterday? Does he speak Portuguese 3. She drives her motorbike every de They printed those books in the 16H 11. I didn't find my keys anywher Write the verbs in () in the Passive Voice Present or Past a Whatsapp ...(use) for chatting? b-That book. (not/write) by Cervantes. (past) c-Animals. paper (keep) in cages in 2001. (invent) by the Chinese? (past) f-Gluten free meals (sell) at the fair? (not/serve) in that restaurant E-The Taj Mahal (build) in honour to a woman. (past) (kill) In the Second World War? h-How many people (not/discover) till 1990, -The tunnel. (grow) in Spain and italy. d-Did they understand the ques e-They don't dance tango in tha books Olives Write the sentences in the Passive Voice - Do they sell computers in that shop? -The hurricane destroyed many buildings. b. They didn't find any survivors after the storm.