C. Change the following direct questions into indirect questions using the introductory clauses given.
Direct question: (I want to know) Where are you going?

Indirect question: I want to know where you are going. (NOT I want to know where are you going?)

1. (I would like to know) ‘What are your plans?’

2. (She wondered) ‘Why did you refuse to sign the papers?’

3. (Tell me) ‘What do you mean by that?’

4. (Can you tell me whether) ‘Is he dependable?’

5. (He wants to know) ‘Why doesn’t she like him?’

6. (She asked) ‘What did you do then?’

7. (He asked) ‘Why are you crying?’

8. (I want to know) ‘Where are you going?’

9. (I wonder) ‘When do you intend to leave?’

10. (Tell me) ‘Did you come to her party?’