However, he music industry. He Tucuman. Cutting hair he John C at his young age, 20 years old, (BE) (MAKE) viral part of the music's world since he and his friends had uploaded the iconic song that very fast and also launched his career. Even though (NEVER,PARTICIPATE) in any he freestyle competition as many other famous artists (DO), his success was not a stroke of luck but it (TAKE) several years to reach it. Preparation (MAKE) him one of the biggest and hard work exponents of argentinian rap. (NEVER, IMAGINE) that he could build a name in the (WORK)as a hairdresser in Villa Mariano Moreno, (BE) something he liked, not as much as music but (KNOW) he had to work and earn some money. He (START) to write and compose at the age of 16 years old in his free time, but it was in 2017 when he (OPEN) his Youtube channel to post his work. Later on, when (BECOME) more known and liked, he (START) to receive some he (MAKE) some (BE) related with famous figures of the industry. From (BE)some of his offers from the biggest discographic firms in Buenos Aires. So, he (TRAVEL) to take a look at those proposals and for a year he shows up and collaborations with BZRP to make a song with TINI opportunities and definitely we do not think this will be all of him. On the contrary, his hard work and charisma have made him grow as a composer, singer and as a figure in the media and he will continue ascending for sure.​