Es para mañana alguien me puede ayudar?
REPORTED SPEECH (11) ADVICE COMPLAIN - REFUSE - DENY - RECOMMEND - SUGGEST APOLOGISE - PROMISE-WARN-OFFER-ADMIT-THANK 1. I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner-she said. 2. I'd be happy to take you home-she said. 3. They should exercise regularly-the doctor said. 4. Look at me! -Sara shouted to us. 5. Don't drop the ball-she said 6. Why don't we go to the cinema tonight? 7. Tidy your room!-she said 8. Don't open this door!-the lion tamer shouted 9. Let's make a big cake for your birthday-he said 10. You must always tell the truth-my mother told me more than four times​