This is a fun, communicative grammar activity + buy 100 cans of cat food laugh a lot run for almost three hours get a very short haircut Write this conversation mode: on your board PAST SIMPLE say 'Good-bye' to my friend study Italian and Japanese drink six cupsį of coffee sleep all day A: What did you do yesterday? B: yesterday. A: Where did you ..........? watch TV for ten hours make dinner B: I (place). A: Why did you ..... ? go to a police station sing 'Happy Birthday B: 1. because (reason). take a photo of my friend read five books i about Iceland eat some fries and a burger lose my cell phone A: Did you have a good time? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. see an action movie play basketball A: Continue with your own Questions and Answers! do nothing paint a picture​

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