At the age of 55, Daniel 1 (already retire) from his stressful job as a bank manager, and he 2 (find) work as a French teacher in Vietnam. He 3 (always dream) of going there. He 4 (get on) very well with his students, and some of them 5 (invite) him to their village. The journey was long and hot, and on the way back Daniel 6 (collapse), and his students 7 (take) him to hospital, where doctors 8 (say) that he 9 (suffer) a minor heart attack. Then, while he 10 (cross) the street to get a taxi home, a motorbike 11 (hit) him, and Daniel 12 (go) straight back to hospital, where he 13 (spend) another week. But worst of all, when he 14 (finally leave) hospital and 15 (return) to work, the language school 16 (fire) him because he 17 (miss) too many classes. Luckily, however, he 18 (soon get) a better job there and is now enjoying his new life.

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