302 Watch the video and listen for details > Complete the conversation. Hi, Chloe! Hey, I'm having a (1) ... party this weekend. Would you like to come? It's on (2) ... evening at (3) ... o'clock. Oh, what a shame! Are you free on (5) ... ? Maybe we could go (6) .... Let's say (8) .... I'm having lunch at my (9) ..., so I probably won't be back until then. Great! See you there. I'll (11) ... you if I'm going to be late. That sounds great! I'd love to. When is it? I'm really sorry but I'm busy on Friday. I'm going to my (4) ... engagement party. Yes, Saturday's fine. Shall we meet at (7) ...? OK, that's fine. How about meeting at the bowling alley in (10) ...? OK, no worries. Have a great time on Friday!l​

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