
Special Possessions
Zuzanna has a beautiful necklace. It's her grandmother's necklace from Poland. It's silver. Her family is from Poland and the necklace is very old—about one hundred years old! It's her favorite possession. It is very special. Maite's special possession is a photograph. All the people in her family are in the picture: her grandfather, her grandmother, her father, her mother and all her brothers and sisters. The picture is two years old. In the photo Maite and her family are outside her brother's new restaurant. That photo is in her living room now. Haru has a very important possession. It's his tablet. It has all his important things on there . . . his photos, his work, all his phone numbers, his email. He has it with him all the time, everyday. Jochen has only one special possession. It is his mountain bike. It is new and it isn't cheap. It is a very good bike. It's for the mountains. Jochen is from Germany. His favorite place is the mountains in the Alps. It's great for mountain biking.
1) Who is Zuzanna's special possession from?
her sister
her mother
her grandmother
2) What is Jochen's favorite place?
the mountains
his backyard
3) How old is Maite's special possession?
100 years old
six years old
two years old
4) Where is Zuzanna from?
5) Where is Maite's special possession?
in her bedroom
in her living room
in her kitchen
6) Is Haru's special possession useful for work?
No, it isn't.
Yes, it is.

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