Complete the text with the prepositions in the box . across along around away from down into out of over under up I had a strange dream last night. I was looking at a beautiful lake with an island in the middle. lake and lay in the sun. Then a plane flew me and a man parachuted d e to the grass. It was Simon. I waved at him, but he got into a car and drove the lake. Then I saw a river. There f was a path next to the river and a bridge over the river. I started walking g the path next to the river. I walked h. the around the island. I felt hot, so I dove a the lake and started swimming b to the other side, I climbed c. it. When I got the bridge and found a mountain in front of me. My best friend was at the top of the mountain, so I wanted to run i it, but suddenly! couldn't move. That's when I woke up. A boat was sailing 54 one hundred fifty-four​