
Change the following sentences to Present Perfect Tense. In each case, add one of the following
phrases: Many times, several times, often, over and over, time and again.

1- I saw that movie yesterday.
I have seen that movie several times.

2- I read that story last night.
3- I ate in the restaurant last Tuesday.
4- I was in Mega Mix yesterday.
5- I met him last week.
6- He spoke to me about it last Monday.
7- I tried that restaurant last night.
8- I walked through the park last Sunday.
9- We drove to Panama City last month.
10- He flew to Veraguas yesterday.

11- He was in Cocle last Summer.
12- He explained it to me yesterday.
13- I studied this exercise last night.
14- I talked with him yesterday.
15- I asked him about it last week.
16- I wrote to him last week.
17- We visited them last Sunday.

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