INSTRUCTIONS: Read and complete with was, were, wasn't or weren't.
Amanda: Hey, Tom. How Were your vacation last year?
Tom: It Was great! We went to the mountains. The weather was perfect, and the scenery Las
Amanda: That sounds amazing! I remember you telling me that you as a fan of cold weather.
Weren't you cold up in the mountains?
Tom: Well, I
bundled up most of the time, so I can cold at all. But there were a few moments
when I Want properly dressed, and it was chilly,
Amanda: I see. So, where exactly in the mountains Wese you?
Tom: We Were in the Rockies for the first week, and then we went to the Alps. The Rockies Were
beautiful, but the Alps were even more stunning.
Amanda: I've heard the Alps are incredibly picturesque. What activities did you do while you
Tom: We did a lot of hiking and visited some charming villages. There
Cloring the Alps, and we saw some beautiful alpine lakes.
a day when we were
adventure! And what about the food? I've heard mountain

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