Formación Básica - Segundo Semestre ACTIVITY 15 COMPARING AT SHOPPING Objective: Oral practice. Opening Activity: You are in the shopping center with a friend and you want him/her to buy the same product you did. 1. Write a dialogue to convince him/her why he/she should buy it Example: A: Hey Susan, why don't you buy this black jacket? B: I don't know...I like this purple one better. A: I think the black jacket is nicer, warmer, and cheaper. B: Yes, you are right. But the price of the purple is cheaper, don't you think? A: Yes, you are right. Let's see the rest of the jackets. Mi Ta Buying Clothes A: Hey_ Why don't you buy the B: I don't know... I like this better. A. I think the IS B. Yes, you are right. But the price of the A: Yes, you're right. Let's see the rest of the Buying Gadgets A: Hey Why don't you buy the B. I don't know... I like this better. A: I think the is and is cheaper don't you think? ? B: Yes, you are right. But the price of the A: Yes, you're right. Let's see the rest of the and is cheaper don't you think?
A: Yes, you're right. Let's see The rest of the_________.​

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