Simple past 1 He (walk) to school yesterday. 2 The monitor. Clean) the blackboard yesterday (cook) food yesterday. 3My mother. 4 we (work) hard last week. Cist) lots of interesting. (ak) on the streets of 6 Inthe mornings we london 7 we did not 8The seruant aDid you 10 They- 11 Shailesh R Diya Clke) the movie. (burn) his finger last night Cask) your Father? (visit) the zoo last sunday Chelp) his friends Cook) good food Simple Present 1 Father. 21- 3 she- 4 Rahul- SMy Sister 6 Raju - CGo to office every day. Cuant) to be a famous writer Cearn) a nice salary 7My dog- 8My Father- CASpire) to be a rocket scientist. Ging) very well (GO) to school every morning 9The rabbit. 10 She. "I water. - Clike) to chase cats. Cook) delicious meals. CRun) fast Cwear) a mew frock every day (change) into water vapor on cooling Cenjoy) reading books My daughter- BRan (stay) with her parents​

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