▪︎ B. Underline the correct alternatives to complete the rules.

1. Use the passive to emphasise the actions of/ what happens to people or things.

2 The person who does the action is unimportant, obvious or known/ unknown.

3 Form the passive with subject + to be + present/ past participle.

▪︎ C Read sentences 1-4. Are statements a)-c) below true (T) or false (F)?

1. We had our coffee-maker repaired.
2 I had my hair done.
3 He had his wallet stolen.
4 She had her windows broken.

a) The causative have uses have + object + past participle.

b) Use the causative have to say when we arrange for somebody to do something for us.

c) We can also use it to talk about a bad experience or an action done by someone unknown or unnamed.​

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