ACADEMIA PARANINFO 1- Octogésimo séptimo. TEST DE INGLES: For or Since? Pon la palabra correcta: We've been working at this project 2- I've been attending university 3- The game has been stopped The protest has been in progress 4- 5- I've been smoking. last May. over two years. twenty minutes due to snow. two hours now. years, I was fifteen in fact. 6- The post has been late every day 7- The present queen has reigned 8- Man has fought wars_ 9- She has been living here 10- I have been writing books_ 11- That castle has been there the past week. 1953. as long as anyone can remember. April. 1998. over six hundred years. 12- Schools have changed I was a schoolboy. 13- The television has been out of order weeks. 14- I have been waiting here 2:30. 15- He has worked like a beaver lunchtime. Soluciones: 1- since. 5- for, since. 9- since. 13
for. 3- for. 6-for. 7- since. 10-since. 14-since. 11-for. 15-since. 4- for. 8- for. 12-since.​