Cómo se pronuncia esto?, Suicide is the act by which a person intentionally causes death. It is generally a consequence of psychological suffering and despair derived from or attributable to life circumstances such as financial difficulties, problems in interpersonal relationships, painful illnesses, loneliness or psychological harassment. Many of the teenagers who commit suicide or attempt suicide have a mental health illness. As a result, they have trouble dealing with the stress of adolescence. They may have a lot of difficulty dealing with rejection, failure, breakups, school problems, or family problems. They may also not be able to understand that they can change their lives. Likewise, they may not fully understand that suicide is a permanent response, not a solution, to a short-term problem They are jointly considered suicide due to bullying when the cause of suicide is attributable to the victim having been harassed, either personally or through social networks. Suicide is committed when the victim cannot escape the chronic effects of bullying. They cannot find a way to cope that protects them and helps them overcome their suffering. From this long-term burden of emotional and physical scars, the individual develops feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. It seems that bullying cannot be stopped for the victim and therefore results in suicide. To prevent suicide, educational interventions aimed at adolescents have been designed for several years within the school and community settings.

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