The hard and the
Read the story about the race between the hare and the tortoise.
Who do think will
win the race?
Complete the story with the past simple form of the verbs.
One day the hare and the tortoise decided to have a race. The hare
that he
(can) run faster than the tortoise. But the tortoise (2)
(be) more
intelligent than the hare.
"Yes, I'll race you,' (3)
(say) the clever tortoise.
The tortoise (4)
(have) a clever plan. He (5)
(find) his brothers and
sisters and he (6)
(tell) them to wait in different places along the path of the race. So they
all (7)
The race (8)
(hide) behind the trees along the path.
(begin)! The tortoise (9)
(run) as fast as possible. But
The hare (10)
(be) faster, of course.
This will be a very easy race,' (11)
(think) the hare. So the hare decided to have a rest, and
he quickly (12)
(fall) asleep at the side of the road.
Suddenly, the hare (13)
(wake up) and he (14)
(see) a tortoise
Ahead of him! 'How did he get ahead of me?" the hare asked himself. In fact, it (15)
be) his friend the tortoise: it (16)
Look the same.
The hare (17)
See the tortoise, so he (19)
Then the hare (21)
and (23)
(get up) and continued the race. But - as the hare happily (22)
(come) around the last corner before the finish line - his friend the tortoise crossed the line
(win) the race!
(be) the tortoise's sister. But to a hare, all tortoises
(run) past the tortoise easily. Soon, he (18)
(sit) down and (20)
(have) another rest.

The hard and the tortoise Read the story about the race between the hare and the tortoise Who do think will win the race Complete the story with the past simple class=

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