choose the correct option for these zero conditional sentences
1. what do you do
a) if your mom was sick?
b) if your mom had been sick?
c) if your mom will be sick?
d) if your mom is sick?

Complete the sentences
1. cecilia _____ (have) a walkman, now she has an ipod
2. We haven't seen my father very often since he got a New job. He ____ (spend) more time at home.
3. I ___ (work) a few hours, but now I work full time.
4. it is difficult for my uncle to drive in México. He ___ (drive) on the right-hand side of the road.
5. When my brother was young, he ___ (ride) a bicycle to school
6. I ___ (eat) spicy food, but I don't anymore
7. Laptops ___ (be) very expensive. Now, the prices are good
8. You ___ (speak) english all the timel
9. When I was a child, I ___ (spend) a lot of time with my grandparents
10. samantha ____ (think) that she would never go to New York