
Pregunta N.° 1: My father drives a car for work.
1 punto
A) She drives them.
B) He drives it.
C) We drive it.
D) He drives him.
Pregunta N.° 2: My aunt loves Italian food.
1 punto
A) He loves it.
B) She loves them.
C) He loves them.
D) She loves it.
Pregunta N.° 3: My cousins help their mom and dad at home.
1 punto
A) They help us.
B) We help them.
C) They help them.
D) We help us.
Pregunta N.° 4: The cat sleeps on the sofa with my two dogs.
1 punto
A) It sleeps on the sofa with them.
B) It sleeps on the sofa with me.
C) It sleeps on the sofa with it.
D) It sleeps on the sofa with him.
Pregunta N.° 5: Susan and I listen to the radio with my mom.
1 punto
A) We listen to the radio with him.
B) We listen to the radio with it.
C) We listen to the radio with us.
D) We listen to the radio with her.