Comple the sentences with 'Past Simple' or 'Past Continuous' using the verbs in brackets
1. Mr. Thompson Ab fast when he hit a tree. (drive) very
2. Jack (milk) the cows when a stranger came into the bam.
3. Susan (see) the burglar while he was rushing into his car.
4. My uncle (listen) to the radio when the earthquake happened.
5. The old lady was trying to cross the street when a bay (offer) help.
6. All the children (sleep) when their father opened the front door. (fix) the
7. While Mr.Triump television, he fell asleep. 8. Tina was playing with her dolls when her brother homework. (finish) his
9. I was working on the Science project when you (come) into the room with a big chocolate cake in your hand. (play) tennis 10. The children when their grandmother called them for lunch.
11. Jack and Steven when the heard a strange noise. (have) o
12. My brother was tidying the bookcase while I​

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