Choose the best intensifier for each sentence. beautiful, her behaviors make her unattractive. 1) Though she is a) extremely b) pretty 2) You need to stop drinking coffee because it is a) quite 3) My brother speaks English well. d) real c) not very addictive. d) kind of c) extremely d) rather c) kind of 4) It's hot to go out today. d) very a) too b) pretty c) so 5) He is smart. a) too 6) It was an incredible movie. b) super c) a little d) crazy a) extremely b) rather c) real d) absolutely 7) It was a great experience to go hiking in the mountain. a) completely b) quite c) so d) slightly 8) lam faster than you think. a) very b) pretty c) too d) highly 9) My son is sick today so he couldn't go to school. a) really b) completely c) so 10) The world is an complicated place. d) a little a) extremely b) totally c) too d) kind of