2. Find five verbs and complete the plans. 0 TASFGSHTJ KRZXCVBANM CANPOAKWIE GVGUUEPIFY HEDEHHIREL EV VFEHET Stella: Wow, Rick gets angry (a) easil Joseph: He's kind of bad-tempered, good friend. Stella: Yes, and he's good at singing voice. Joseph: Yeah, he can sing (b) easi OLNVLENDHP fact, he's going to participa MVGIRTYZZA A G F a. Luis is going to Travel to London. He wants to improve his English. b. I'm going to solve this math problem. reality show. Stella: Really? I'm sure he's going to maybe. for help. I can't Joseph: (d) Maybel Accurately he'll c. Sarah and John can't find the house of their Stella: We'll see. dreams, but they aren't going to d. We're going to a private music teacher. We want to learn to play the violin. e. Amanda doesn't like her job. She's going to for a different one.​