1 E 2 G F 2.3.1 a) Identify the landform illustrated as E on FIGURE 2.3. (1 x (1) 2.4 2.3.2 b) Give evidence from FIGURE 2.3 to support your answer. Differentiate between the characteristics of rock layers at F and G. (1 x 2) (2) 2.4 2.4 (2x1) (2) 2.3.3 Label slope 1 and 2 depicted on the diagram. (2x1) (2) 2. 2.3.4 Describe the forces that resulted in the development of the slopes identified in QUESTION 2.3.3. (2x2) 2. (4) 2.3.5 In a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines, discuss how the rock resistance development of the area. and slopes impact the agriculture and economic (4x2) (8)​

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