Hello! My name is Kate Gonçalves. I'm from Atlanta, but my parents are Portuguese. They are from the Azores. I'm eleven years old, but my favourite number is 7. My phone number is two, nine, five, double six, four, three, double oh and my address is 32, Port Rd, Boston, USA. I've got a pet: it's a dog called Duke. He's a bit crazy, but I like him very much. He's dark brown. I'm a student at St. School and my favourite subject is PE because I like sports very much.
1. What's her first name?
2. What's her surname?
3. How old is Kate?
4. Where is she from?
5. What nationality is Kate?
6. What's her phone number?
7. What's her address?
8. What's her favourite number?
9. What's her favourite subject?
10. What colour is her pet?​