
10. Read. Which careers should they do? Choose from the list below. doctor secretary ■journalist ■ policeman ■ English teacher ■ nurse ■ lawyer ■ farmer ■ engineer Roberto I think my strengths are that I can work well in a team, but I can also work well on my own. I'll have to think about these strengths when I choose a career. I can't see myself in an office all day long, doing lots of paperwork. I enjoy helping people so I want a career where I can have lots of contact with people and can make a difference. Maria I'm sure my strengths will help me to decide what to study at university. I'm good at Maths, I'm quite creative and I also like making decisions. I think that my English is also very good. I can use that strength for my career because you need English in business to talk to people in meetings or even send letters and emails. My weak subjects at school are subjects like Science so I wouldn't want to study anything like Chemistry.​