
Dmaylis Arsena
Group #
Date April, 22 202
Figurative Language Quiz
Section 1 - Matching = Place the letter of the correct definition next to each term.
1. personification
A. repetition of the initial sound
2. hyperbole
3. simile
4. metaphor
5. alliteration
6. onomatopoeia
✓B. a comparison using like or as
C. a word that stands for a sound
D. giving an object human characteristics
E. a comparison that does not use like or as
F. a large exaggeration
Section 2 - Fill in the Blank = Write the name of each type of figurative language next to its example.
7. Pecos Bill roped the tornado and shook it with his bare hands.
8. Her eyes shone with the brightness of twinkling stars.
9. School starts a student's smarts.
10. The raindrops danced quickly across my face.
11. The boy ran into the door with a BOOM.
12. The basketball player seemed as tall as a building.
Section 3-Short Answer = Create your own example for each type of figurative language.
13. personification
14. hyperbole =
15. simile =
16. metaphor =
17. alliteration
18. onomatopoeia

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