. When & While 3. Complete the gaps with when or while. 1. I saw him HN M 2. 3. It was raining 4. 5. with each other. 6. I arrived home. 67 7. I was being on my way home. Jane was taking a bath, the phone rang three times I got up this morning. I was speaking, they were thinking of something else! the teacher came into the classroom, some students were arguing all the guests were having tea and biscuits. Sue was waiting for the 12 o'clock train, she met an old friend. the doorbell rang. 8. The people were having a large breakfast, 9. What were you doing 10. The electricity went off, 11. 12. the teacher looked at you suddenly. we were watching a horror film. Mathew was going to the library, he saw a car accident on Mapple Street. the mother was doing the washing up, the twins were sweeping the floor. He was looking at the little bird's nest 13. Mr.Robinson fell off the tree 14. The old lady was trying to cross the street 15. The children were playing tennis a boy offered help. their grandmother called them for lunch. E21101 English 3 Secondary 2 semester 1 academic year 2022 Chiang Rai Municipality School 6"​