Complete the conversation according to the chart and using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Remember to use "than" or "the" when necessary.

- Jude: I've got some information here about motorbikes, I can't decide which one is (good) for me.
- Harry: What do you need it for?
- Jude: Just day to day really; going to work and getting around. I don't want (cheap) but I don't want to spend too much money.
- Harry: The Harley Davidson is (expensive) but it's also (powerful) all the others, and you don't need something like that. The Kawasaki is (powerful) most of them. What do you think?
- Jude: Let me see...Yes, it's (cheap) the Harley. What about the Yamaha? It's (powerful) the Peugeot and the Montessa.
- Harry: Yes, that's true but it's also (slow) the Kawasaki.
- Jude: Oh, this is so difficult. The Suzuki seems like it is (good) option, but I'm going to ask if I can take it for a test ride.