Read the text below and complete it with the vocabulary list above.
applications software, operating system, software, system software.
Programs are sets of instructions that Information provided by programs and data is known as (1)___ make the computer execute operations and tasks. There are two main types of software: The (2) refers to all the programs which control the basic functions of a computer. They include operating systems, system utilities (e.g. an antivirus program, a back-up utility) and language translators (e.g. a compiler - the software that translates instructions into machine code). The (3) refers to all those applications, such as word processors and spreadsheets - which are used for specific purposes. Applications are usually stored on disks loaded into the RAM memory when activated by the user. The (4) is the most important type of system software. It is typically supplied by the manufacturers and comprises a set of programs and files that control the hardware and software resources of a computer system. It controls all the elements that the user sees, and it communicates directly with the computer. In most configurations, the OS is automatically loaded into the RAM section when the computer is started up.​